Thursday 26 July 2012

Something about Moon

1.1 What is the moon? The moon is the only natural satellite that orbits the earth. He moves in its orbit at a distance of 384400 km in the middle of the earth. Its orbital period is about 27.3 days. The Moon is a world without atmosphere, with a diameter of only 3     is 476 km, about one fourth as large as Earth. The mass of the moon, which is in contrast to the Earth is very low, 7,35.1022 kg. The mean daily temperature on the moon measures about 107 ° C. 1.2 The rotational motion of the moon. During its orbit around the earth, the moon is once around its axis, that     is, the lunar orbit and the lunar rotation are consistent over time. The consequence is that the Earth's Moon always turns the same side. The shape of the rotation is called tied rotation. Moon's orbit. The train on which the moon moves around the Earth is almost like a circular ellipse. near earth the point of the path is called perigee (356410 km away), the erdfernsten apogee (406740 km away). True motion. The orbital period of the Moon around the Earth takes 43 min 11.5 s 2d This process is known as a sidereal month. During this period the earth has moved in its orbit around the sun at about 27 degree, ie,      that the moon is still not back with the sun and the earth in a straight line. Stand up to the Sun, Earth and Moon back in alignment still take a little more than 2 days. Thus the name of this 29d 12h 44min period of 2.9 s synodic month. The motion of the Moon from night to night is visible for us is that he moves about 13 degrees from east to west. Moreover, the shift is about 50 minutes later by the apparent rise and set times. Apparent motion.      During one evening, the moon moves from east to west. This motion is the apparently faked by rotation of the earth from west to east. The moon reaches through its daily circulation, only about 50 minutes later, the one and the same spot on the horizon. Second creative development of the lunar exploration has always been the moon, the natural satellite of the earth, the people are familiar with. Our ancestors in the plains of Africa are likely to have thoughts made ​​about the mysterious light in the night sky, about as big as the sun, but not nearly as bright is the first indication of the mountains on the moon by the Greek philosophers Democritus ( 460-370 BC). The first albeit sketchy representation is the visible structures of the Moon from Galileo Galilei (1609). Many scientists including Johannes Hevelius and Giovanni Riccioli wrote the first usable card in 1651 which were already the darker regions as seas (Mare, Maria plural) and the crater named after philosophers and astronomers. This system is recognized, however, only since the 19th Century.      thousands of detailed drawings of mountains, craters and wall planes were made ​​by Johann Hieronymus Schroeter (1778-1813), who discovered many lunar valleys and grooves. The first lunar atlas gave Wilhelm Beer and Johann Heinrich Madler published in 1837. The quality of the cards in the 1960s was much better. In preparation for the Apollo project, a mapping of the Lugar Orbiter probes were made ​​from a lunar orbit. Today's most accurate maps date from the 1990s through the Clementine and Lunar Prospector missions,. The Soviet probe Lunik 3 provided the first pictures of the moon back.      In 1979, the first lunar meteorite discovered in Antarctica, the origin of the moon, however, was not recognized until some years later. Now we know more than two dozen others. The man on the moon during the Cold War took the U.S. and the USSR in the 1960s, an unprecedented race for manned lunar landings, but were carried out by the United States. On 21 July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first of 12 astronauts in the Apollo project to set foot on the moon, but the program was due to the very high costs after six successful missions, in 1972 reinstated. Cost saving was similarly effective but the Russian lunar rover Lunachod.      During the late 20th Century has been repeated speculation about a return to the moon and the establishment of a permanent lunar base, but only after announcement of U.S. President George W. Bush and NASA in early 2004 to draw from specific plans. Accordingly, the U.S. plans in 2018 to send four astronauts to the moon. Third practical part-moon observation log-15     10:05 In the upper figure is clearly the apparent orbit of the moon (shown here during one hour) from east to west can be seen. The observation took place at 19.00 on 15:10:05 by 20 clock or     clock instead of 00. The observation site was in Rostock / Toitenwinkel. Protocol was 16:10:05 The next day, clearly the true motion of the Moon (shown here in the period of 24 hours) using the records of the previous day from west to east to watch. The observation took place on 16     instead of 10:05 clock at 19.00 or at 20.00 clock. The observation site was in Rostock / Toitenwinkel.

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