Monday 23 July 2012

Comparing the political systems of the United States and Germany

United States - an example of presidential Cf Point USA BRD Legislative Conference (consisting of two chambers: the House + Senate) president can veto decisions of the Congress vs. à Congress can insert them with 2/3 majority of pick -budget decision -presidential control of Parliament (consisting of the Bundestag and Federal - to each 298 members) will decide the Bundestag on budget controls-only opposition chancellor and government executive branch President = Head of State + head of government by electors chosen selects ministers (represent government) , Federal Government, as of the ministers and the Federal Supreme Prime Minister is , state governments judiciary -Supreme Federal Court: Judge by the President with the consent of the Congress appointed judges engage in legislation of the Congress - if they declare laws unconstitutional federal appellate courts, federal district courts , the Federal Constitutional Court (member for 12 years in half by the Bundesrat + Bundestag selected) decision on constitutional disputes between federal agencies -can laws declared unconstitutional decision on constitutional complaints unconstitutional party may prohibit , supreme courts, courts of the countries of violence entanglement? -checks and balances, independent of each other separate constitutional bodies controlled Congress President + Minister - checks and balances, but the executive and legislative branches merge into one another opposition (minority in parliament) controlled government majority (Chancellor + Cabinet) federalism -federal government (federal states) , federal government (Landtag) Head of State President: Head of Government, representative, chief administrator, chief of the armed forces, Party Chairman -President: state representative shall, during his employment function in the party down legislative initiative -President + Government have no way of legislative initiatives to bring (only indirectly influence members of Congress) majority in Congress required administration's legislative initiatives (can get through this too because a majority in the Bundestag) separation of mandates -incompatibility v. Government Office + seat in parliament , President + government must not belong to Congress (except for Vice President - Chairman of the Senate) , government officials and members of Parliament discontinuation of government head of Congress can not deduct President (only President is a criminal offense if Congress gemachtàkann Him vs. klagenàSenat relieve it can with 2/3 majority of office) may appeal parliamentary vote of no confidence and therefore dismiss the chancellor by President deposed elections -election to Congress plus choice of 2 different operations president (government = Ministers appointed by the President) + Government-Parliament ordered for 1 choice (government is the result of Parliament)

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