Tuesday 3 July 2012

Proper Training Leads To A Respectable Job

The Basque Government spent 321.4 million euros to promote employment, a budget "shielded" as the regional president. Lanbide will be a "key part" in the Plan to Fight against Unemployment 2012, and that through the Basque Employment Service, will address the unemployed with personalized attention through counseling, training and mediation. The text also signed today reflects the implementation of new business initiatives and the pursuit of agreements with local agents for a better definition of objectives and performance criteria on the ground that would reduce the unemployment rate. In this sense, Patxi Lopez stressed the importance of the agreement reached between unions and employers because "the collective effort depends on the recovery of our economy and our welfare standards," stated the Lehendakari.

The recent downward revision of economic forecasts in the international and European levels by 2012 International Monetary Fund - for which published just 3 months earlier and the Bank of Spain warned of the global economic stagnation and the resurgence of the crisis. The socioeconomic status of the BAC is determined since 2008 by the deep crisis facing advanced economies, resulting from the misalignment of the global financial system and the threat posed by the poor state of sovereign debt and the difficult adjustment to that has submitted the Eurozone, both of which affect the Basque economy also during 2012.

The Basque unemployment rate has reached 11.2% and, despite job losses taking place for the management of  classroom for hours , it should be noted that the unemployment rate of Euskadi is similar to that of France and half the state average, which is the first major crisis that the Basque unemployment rate does not exceed the Spanish average.In historical perspective, one must also note that the last twelve months of the previous Parliament, according to the PRA, 42,300 jobs were destroyed and the balance of the current term is not positive but it is better. 9,200 jobs have been destroyed.

Given the gloomy economic outlook providing the IMF and the Bank of Spain for the next few months, the Basque Government, Confebask, UGT and CCOO, members of the Social Dialogue Committee, have agreed to redouble efforts in the fight against unemployment and sustaining employment in Euskadi through the development and adoption of the Plan to Fight Unemployment 2012. This Plan strengthens and develops the efforts that had been made in employment, and proposes new measures to combat unemployment during the current year. The agreement reached in the Social Dialogue Committee has great social and economic value, as arising from the consultation between Government, employers and unions, and reaffirms the commitment of the Government and Social Partners to tackle the unemployment problem together and determined from  www.aulasaranjuez.es

If always is, at a time of crisis like the one we live betting on dialogue, cooperation and understanding in finding constructive solutions to help this country face and overcome the challenges faced in employment, represents in itself a noteworthy factor. Not only because we can add energy and effort, but also because it encourages a more effective, coordinated and shared with our current and future needs in this field. It represents, at the same time, the expression and result of many months of working together to promote the employability of our youth, the competitiveness of our businesses and, through them, the overall development of Euskadi, overcoming an adverse situation that requires increase the responsibility of all the contribution, craftsmanship and commitment.

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