Thursday 26 July 2012

Art - Color and Light

The discovery of the English physicist Isaac Newton that white sunlight can be broken by a primate in spectral or rainbow colors decrypted, the phenomenon of color perception. colors are light waves of different wavelengths. The color of an object depends on what proportion of absorbed light waves from its surface and is reflected. A banana appears yellow because it reflects only the yellow rays of light, all other colors of light, from which it is exposed, but absorbed. artificial light, the lack of sunlight at night, or the refracted light let in water colors appear to be changed. Human eye with receptors for color vision (cones) and for black and white vision (rods) equipped. color theories: 1) Johann Wolfgang Goethe: he calls the "sensory-moral" effect of the colors tested on humans. He hit the taste of his time, who felt particularly by "sensitivity". Goethe also noted that the different colors give special moods. In his color wheel, he takes yellow, blue and purple as primary color. Is, however, it depends on how you mix the colors, for example. The combination of yellow and green has always something to Community cheerful, blue and green always some communities disgusting 2) Johannes Itten designed a color wheel. In the middle a triangle with the three primary colors (primary colors): red, yellow and blue, which can not be produced from a mixture of other colors. This triangle is in a hexagon. In the remaining triangles are the respective mixing colors (secondary colors) of the primary colors. So green, orange and violet, To the hexagon is a circular ring, divided into 12 departments. In these sectors are in the appropriate places, the colors of the first and second order, with between a field always remains free. In this field there is the mixed color (tertiary color) of the primary and secondary color that is: . yellow-orange, orange, red violet, blue violet, blue, green and yellow-green after Itten these colors are referred to as "blunt" or "unclean." The colors follow the order of the rainbow and the Spektralfarbenbandes. 3) Philipp Otto Runge. In Itten's color wheel is missing some colors, such as earth tones Therefore, a second order system required: Runge developed a paint ball, a kind of globe with a · Blacks (South) and a white (north) pole. · In the "equator" are the 12 pure bright colors. · can be inside the ball imagine a gray scale of values, which from the North to go South Pole. · If an imaginary horizontal section at the equator show gradually the mixture values ​​of two contrasting colors. · Upwardly (white), the colors are always bright and towards the bottom (black) they are getting darker (turbidity). · If we imagine a diagonal line through the center of the circle, so combining these two complementary colors. · The classification system for the . color ball covers theory, all brightly colored and achromatic colors · The ball has 7 parallel strips, which are crossed by 12 meridian. Many other artists dealt also with the laws of physics and psychological effects of color, such as: Eugene Delacroix, Vincent van Gogh, Georges Seurat Wassily Knadinsky color contrasts: 1) Color-in-itself contrast: The basic colors give each other the strongest expression of color-in-itself contrast. 2) cut-off k: It is a primary contrast and is used to clear differentiation. 3 ) cold-warm-k: This contrast is based on subjective feelings. Ex: orange is considered as hot Green Blue is cold , a neutral will result in gray called complementary colors 4) 2 pigmentary colors mixed together. 5) Simultank. If an optical complementary contrast. For a given color forms in the brain while the opposite color. 6) A solid color looks on a white background, dark and small and on a black background is brighter and larger. 7) QUALITY:. . a contrast between bright and turbid color is 8) Quantitätsk.: After Itten, the quantity contrast refers to the size ratio of two or more areas of color. effect: Yellow: Violet - 1: 3 Orange: Blue - 1: 2 Red: Green - 1: 1 Color blends: 1) Additive color mixing: The addition of two or more colored light sources creates a new light color. If you mix together, for example red, green and blue, there are pink, light blue and yellow. The additive mixture results from the "white" light. 2) subtractive color mixing: . arises when you take away from a light source by filtering or absorbing radiation energy if you 2 color filters in front of a white light source moves, we get at, for example: Blue + Yellow = Green 3) Optical Color Mixing: This refers to the mixture of small and very small, mosaic-like ink particles, which are next to each other and are mixed only in the brain. 's condition However, the observation from a distance. Applications: - Industrial multi-color printing - pointillist painting , the color-object relationship in painting , the art theorist Hans Jantzen had in 1913, two different views of the colors: · eigenvalue (symbol color): The colors are not used faithfully, but unrealistic and purely symbolic act of the effect (eg: gold is the embodiment of omnipotence and is meant as a symbol of light). The paint itself should be expressed, and their aesthetic value, its chromatic value, ... For example, it took the painting in the Middle Ages not as a world of materiality, but as a world of spiritual relationships. They turned on the representation of the color value of the minimum requirements and they should also not reflect the natural of what is depicted. · Display value (local or object color): The colors used are realistic. They want to represent the object in its natural state. However, an attempt was not only its color but also its materiality, hardness, density, smoothness ... play as its position in space and light. In a strictly naturalistic silk dress, for example, the impression of color is no longer the main stand, but the viewer will admire the painted cloth, touch touch with the feeling it and be able to. Applications : · Textile Art, Fashion At all times, has color in the lives of the people played an important role in the body painting in early Christian cultures, with clothing, in shaping our environment, ... may the development of specific local color traditions in the textile art, for example, from a regional inventory of plants and minerals that are required for the dyeing depend. . Particularly expensive colors, such as the acquisition of Scarlet, were certain colors to taste better-off social strata are · architecture is the use of color in the architecture of different reasons: Due to color, the importance of the building are emphasized, withdrawn or are simply the decoration. Example: Hundertwasser House · Advertising and Media . color is mainly symbolic value, and a mediator of emotions with certain colors and the product it creates moods, certain consumer groups are addressed. color is the psychological way in photography, in the Massenmeien and in film and television set.

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