Monday, 6 August 2012


National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) Founded: 28.11.1964 in Hannover Place: Berlin Koepenick Past Chair: Friedrich Thielen (1964-1967), Adolf von Thadden (1967-1971), Martin Mufignug (1971-1990), Günter Deckert (1990 -1996), Udo Voigt (1996) National Executive: Udo Voigt (party chairman since 1996), Holger Apfel (Deputy Party Chairman), Ulrich self-field (deputy party chairman and secretary-general), Jürgen Schön (Deputy Party Chairman), Erwin Kemna (Federal Treasurer ), Klaus Beier (Federal Press Officer), Manfred Boerm, Alexander Delle, Jürgen Gansel, Stefan Koester, Martin Lau (NHB Chairman), Uwe Leichsenring, Stefan Lux, Peter Marx, Caroline Nightingale, Friedrich Preuss, Sasha Roßmüller (JN-Chairman) Frank Schwerdt (Director), Doris Zutt membership of 6     000 (1999), 6,500 (2000), 6,500 (2001), 6,100 (2002), 5,000 (2003) Development and ideology officials of the "German Reich Party" joined on 28 November 1964 in Hanover, along with other radical groups on the right-wing parties "National Democratic Party of Germany'.      Friedrich Thielen took over as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Adolf von Thadden. From a total of sixteen and eighteen-member leadership team had a right-wing past, eight were born in October 1952 from the forbidden Socialist Reich Party (SRP). Chief ideologue of the party was the former head of the Nazi Reich Training-Student Association and a professor at the  "State University 'Strasbourg, Ernst Anrich. Beginning of the year 1969, the youth organization Young National Democrats (JN) was founded. In July 1969, it came during a meeting in Frankfurt am Main to excesses of "security service" (OD) of the NPD. 1970 wrecked NPD members, the district office of the DKP in Dusseldorf.      At times there were 27 criminal investigations against members of security service pending. Two NPD officials were arrested for weapons smuggling. Also in 1970 14 members and officials of the NPD on suspicion of forming a criminal organization were arrested and the offense against the Arms Act. These were also members of the radical right-wing secret organization "European Liberation Front" (EBF). In the context of the party were formed more militant groups. Quotes". The jobs are first awarded to German      businesses that continue to employ foreigners must pay special levies. "(from a NPD type)" Germany must again become German. "(NPD type)" Of course We are unconstitutional, we want a different social order "(Uwe Leichsenring, managing director of the NPD district party Saxon Switzerland) Summary:.. The NPD is currently the most influential right-wing organization in Germany. The only far-right NPD party, it has managed to establish itself in the new federal states.      membership increases after 1990 they could record, especially in the east. Despite the exclusion of Steffen Hupka from the party and publicly declared demarcation strategy of the "liberal nationalists" said Holger Apfel is still at least a "partial cooperation" ready, as he in an interview with the "Deutschen voice "August 2001 declared. In addition to the topics "anti-imperialism", "Globalization", "Iraq-war" and the participation in the social protests of the reform package "Hartz IV" was also seen increasingly a solidarity of the NPD, with Palestinian groups. According to the constitutional protection of the NPD is still against the free democratic basic order and fight them off. The VS 1999 report noted a "close affinity" of the NPD's programmatic to National Socialism and also put a "aggressive, racist xenophobia certain" fixed. Also pursuing the NPD anti-Semitic agitation and trivializing the Nazi crimes to the denial of the Holocaust.      Also in the report for the year 2003 of the Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution states, the NPD hold "unchanged at their open, aggressive and belligerent hostility to the liberal-democratic basic order set". They also strive for a "restoring the German Reich'

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