Monday 6 August 2012


National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) Founded: 28.11.1964 in Hannover Place: Berlin Koepenick Past Chair: Friedrich Thielen (1964-1967), Adolf von Thadden (1967-1971), Martin Mufignug (1971-1990), Günter Deckert (1990 -1996), Udo Voigt (1996) National Executive: Udo Voigt (party chairman since 1996), Holger Apfel (Deputy Party Chairman), Ulrich self-field (deputy party chairman and secretary-general), Jürgen Schön (Deputy Party Chairman), Erwin Kemna (Federal Treasurer ), Klaus Beier (Federal Press Officer), Manfred Boerm, Alexander Delle, Jürgen Gansel, Stefan Koester, Martin Lau (NHB Chairman), Uwe Leichsenring, Stefan Lux, Peter Marx, Caroline Nightingale, Friedrich Preuss, Sasha Roßmüller (JN-Chairman) Frank Schwerdt (Director), Doris Zutt membership of 6     000 (1999), 6,500 (2000), 6,500 (2001), 6,100 (2002), 5,000 (2003) Development and ideology officials of the "German Reich Party" joined on 28 November 1964 in Hanover, along with other radical groups on the right-wing parties "National Democratic Party of Germany'.      Friedrich Thielen took over as Chairman, Vice Chairman, Adolf von Thadden. From a total of sixteen and eighteen-member leadership team had a right-wing past, eight were born in October 1952 from the forbidden Socialist Reich Party (SRP). Chief ideologue of the party was the former head of the Nazi Reich Training-Student Association and a professor at the  "State University 'Strasbourg, Ernst Anrich. Beginning of the year 1969, the youth organization Young National Democrats (JN) was founded. In July 1969, it came during a meeting in Frankfurt am Main to excesses of "security service" (OD) of the NPD. 1970 wrecked NPD members, the district office of the DKP in Dusseldorf.      At times there were 27 criminal investigations against members of security service pending. Two NPD officials were arrested for weapons smuggling. Also in 1970 14 members and officials of the NPD on suspicion of forming a criminal organization were arrested and the offense against the Arms Act. These were also members of the radical right-wing secret organization "European Liberation Front" (EBF). In the context of the party were formed more militant groups. Quotes". The jobs are first awarded to German      businesses that continue to employ foreigners must pay special levies. "(from a NPD type)" Germany must again become German. "(NPD type)" Of course We are unconstitutional, we want a different social order "(Uwe Leichsenring, managing director of the NPD district party Saxon Switzerland) Summary:.. The NPD is currently the most influential right-wing organization in Germany. The only far-right NPD party, it has managed to establish itself in the new federal states.      membership increases after 1990 they could record, especially in the east. Despite the exclusion of Steffen Hupka from the party and publicly declared demarcation strategy of the "liberal nationalists" said Holger Apfel is still at least a "partial cooperation" ready, as he in an interview with the "Deutschen voice "August 2001 declared. In addition to the topics "anti-imperialism", "Globalization", "Iraq-war" and the participation in the social protests of the reform package "Hartz IV" was also seen increasingly a solidarity of the NPD, with Palestinian groups. According to the constitutional protection of the NPD is still against the free democratic basic order and fight them off. The VS 1999 report noted a "close affinity" of the NPD's programmatic to National Socialism and also put a "aggressive, racist xenophobia certain" fixed. Also pursuing the NPD anti-Semitic agitation and trivializing the Nazi crimes to the denial of the Holocaust.      Also in the report for the year 2003 of the Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution states, the NPD hold "unchanged at their open, aggressive and belligerent hostility to the liberal-democratic basic order set". They also strive for a "restoring the German Reich'

The Demographic Change In Germany

Short statement about the birth data from 1970 - 1990: The German population is aging and shrinking. Only slowly creeping this process in the public consciousness has moved. High international migration gains and the number of births boomers have moved in the 1980s and 1990s to look for the scale downsizing process for decades. Because since 1970 the number of children per woman is one third below the 1.4 value of 2.1 that would be required for conservation. With each new generation that lacks a third more potential mothers. Introduced only as a drastically declining birth rate in the new countries to the closure of kindergartens and schools, the impact of population growth was a major political and technical attention. The demographic change in general: Demographic change is one of the biggest challenges for the future of our country. As the challenge proves to be less long-term population decline in Germany - according to the latest population projections from the current 82 million to 75 million people in 2050 - but rather the aging of the population, which brings our social security systems in difficulty and after long-term adaptation strategies demands. aging population means that the composition of the population moves more and more towards older people. Decisive here is not a growing number of older people, but a growing proportion of older people in the population. As the latest model calculations show the population, the proportion of people aged 65 and older increased from 17.1% today to 29.6% in 2050, at the same time, the proportion of very elderly (aged 80 and older) increased to about 12% and thus more than tripled. The demographic aging in Germany is not new, but a development that has been around for over 100 years in progress. The causes are the long-term changes in fertility - particularly the decline in births in 1900 and around 1970 - and the continuous increase in life expectancy. The increased life expectancy was initially the result of the decline in infant and child mortality. Today, the increasing life expectancy of the elderly for this general increase in life expectancy is responsible. terms of life horizon of individual generations of population aging is an irreversible process, because it is created in the current age structure of the population already. Thus, the pensioners of 2050 are already born, their number is certain more or less. Rising birth rates and immigration in the current magnitude can mitigate the process of demographic aging only, but not reverse. The impact of demographic aging are most evident in the pension systems, which are based in Germany on a so-called "generational contract". For her performance, it is crucial to the so-called "EDRs", which means the numerical ratio of people of retirement age as a potential recipient to people of working age. Assuming the retirement age from the current average age at retirement from 60 years and places than people of working age, the 20 - and based on 60-year-olds, then there is currently a dependency ratio of 44, which means for every 100 people of working age are currently 44 people of retirement age. The elderly dependency ratio will rise to the model calculations of the Federal Statistical Office, 2030 up to 71 fast and by 2050, further to 78. Since pension benefits are ultimately generated and financed by the workers have a long-term adaptation of pension systems will be essential. A favorable development of the old age dependency ratio would be expected if you have a retirement age of 65 or 67 years ago laid the basis (see 10 Coordinated Population Forecast). Then the dependency ratio would rise to 2050 to only 55 (retirement age at 65) or 47 (retirement age at 67). Demographic change means not only the aging of the population, it also change the forms of cooperative coexistence. The "social institution" of the marriage and the family disappears but not marry and have children but is no longer elected by nearly the entire population as a life model. Even today, remains a third of all unmarried women and men. The proportion of singles, single parents and unmarried couples has increased in the age group of 35 to 39 years in which they lived through a part of the family phase, to 30% (women). The consideration of this age group is chosen, for example to younger people living alone, who have no children or partners, or older single people or couples whose children have already left the household, ruled out. More than 30% of all marriages end in divorce and the close link between marriage and cohabitation with children begins to dissolve. Sun 27% of all children born to unmarried women are housed.

Mother Theresa

Mother Theresa is like no other person for acts of charity. In Calcutta, she has cared for the poorest of the poor, the dying and lepers. Of countless people around the world she is revered, and many see it as a modern saint "The Saint of the Gutters". Your commitment to human dignity has been honored in 1979 with the Nobel Peace Prize, she was also as an outspoken critic of all forms of abortion, a controversial person. She founded the Order "Missionaries of Charity" is now active in many countries around the world. your life Mother Teresa was born on 27 August 1910 was born as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhio in Skopje, now the capital of the independent Republic of Macedonia. Gonxha (flower bud) grew up in a wealthy Albanian-Catholic family. She was brought up by their parents very religious. When she was ten years old, her father died unexpectedly, she devoted herself more then their faith. At the age of twelve, she opted for a life as a nun. This request was followed by her consistently and so they asked the age of 18 years for admission to the Loreto Order. This order is engaged with its members, particularly in education in Bengal / India. She could not immediately begin its work in India, but was first called to the headquarters of the Loreto Order in Ireland. On 28 September 1928, she traveled from Skopje to Ireland. After two months she was allowed to fulfill her wish and join the Loreto Order in Bengal. In Calcutta, she took her first vows. She then worked 17 years in the St. Mary's School in Calcutta. First she was a teacher, then she was promoted to director. On one of her many trips through the city of Calcutta million in 1946 she felt God's calling to help the poor. Only two years later, she received permission to leave the Order. Theresa was exhaustible, that they could leave the order without giving up their status to nuns. Henceforth, Theresa lived among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. A now-famous portrait of her in LIFE magazine brought her the nickname "Saint of the Gutters" field. It was in 1949 and established itself become an Indian in 1950 the Order "Missionaries of Charity". The members of this order had to agree to celibacy, poverty and obedience. Later, the Order was recognized by the Pope, and under his control. Theresa took care of her religious especially the dying, orphans and the sick. Their special commitment, however, was in the care of lepers. Today, more than 3,000 nuns and 500 monks in over 100 countries around the world to the Order of Mother Theresa. For her selfless work she has received numerous awards. . The most important was undoubtedly the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 on the general lack medical training for their employees would Mother Teresa be replied". not success, but the dedication to faith is important" In addition to worldwide recognition for her work, she was honored for her conservative ideology criticism. They saw in the abortion policies of many countries, the "greatest threat to world peace". As should be matched in Ireland over whether divorce should be legalized, she said the Irishman at tempted to vote against. A few days after the death of Princess Diana, whom she very much regretted, Mother Teresa died on 5 September 1997. With great compassion to the world she was buried in Calcutta.

Kolkata - city of misery and joy

Mother Teresa helped the poorest of the poor. Of these, there have been abundant in Calcutta. This equally fascinating and chilling city forms the background for the work of Mother Teresa's charity. The following two texts give an impression of Calcutta: Calcutta - a city in crisis \ "Why not write a poem about a bunch of shit that dropped him as God and called Calcutta How abound, stinks and is alive and growing.. \ "Günther Grass, was the source of these words is not the only one who has led the former capital of British India to its aesthetic, moral and mental limits. As early as the first governor-general in Calcutta, Robert Clive, saw in it the most corrupt place in the world. Mahatma Gandhi described it as a dying city, and also for the Indo-Caribbean writer VS Naipaul's Calcutta a city without a future, if he writes. "All of their suffering is the suffering of death I do not know of any other city that would be even more hopeless. "Almost every depiction of a great metropolis of the so-called Third World could be the subtitle" Wearing a city in crisis". But with few other cities, the notion of poverty, sickness, misery, death, decay and despair is so closely connected as to Calcutta, the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. The culture shock of experiencing the Western visitor is overwhelming - in every sense of the word, because capture misery and chaos of Calcutta all the senses. That may have helped to have television, writers or journalists probably more often reported than other cities of Calcutta - much to the displeasure of the Indians, who complain that the West mainly the negative aspects of their country are highlighted. They also saw the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Mother Teresa, who by then was in India largely unknown, with mixed feelings, she turned it the world's attention on the dark side of Calcutta, and the film adaptation of a French bestseller, the life in the slums described from Calcutta, was prevented by the government at first, then demanded so many changes from the original book that hardly anything was left. More sensitive to respond even Kalkuttaner - Kalkuttaner here with the Bengali middle class and the intellectuals are meant. When Rajiv Gandhi, Calcutta is a dying city and called it reproduced the impression of many Indians, he ignited a storm of indignation and day-long debate in Parliament from West Bengal. The Kalkuttaner really love their city and take the dilapidated dwellings, the oppressive narrowness, lack of water, the dirt, the daily power cuts, overcrowded transport through the final decades of disgraceful resignation. For them, Calcutta is the Most Indian cities of all. This Calcutta, is before us today demonstrates the intractable problems of urban development in the Third World was, until independence and partition of India to London's second largest city of the British Empire, the largest and richest city in India, its main port and its most important industrial center. It was the colonial city par excellence, the bridgehead of the British in India, has been exploited by the from the hinterland, even to the benefit of the Indian elite in Calcutta. The impoverishment of the hinterland and the population explosion drove an impoverished rural population in the city. The stream of immigrants, after the partition of India by the refugees from eastern Bengal intensified. But the economy stagnated in the city and offered no more new jobs, which was already delicate balance of population and life opportunities in the city destroyed. Originally intended by the British for more than a million people, the nightmare of Calcutta today is bursting at the seams. Within 30 years the population grew from 4.4 million in 1961 to over 12 million today, As in a lake that can not accommodate too many foreign substances introduced, it came to tipping over Calcutta. The dramatic consequences of this explosive mix of population explosion and economic downturn meet one day at every turn. Calcutta with Delhi is one of the seven cities of the world with the worst air pollution. The murderous, hot and humid climate together with the exhaust-filled air has resulted in nearly half of all people suffer from bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. Leaded as the air is also the drinking water because the pipes of the municipal water system dating back to the previous century. However, only half of the population is connected to the grid. Sewer, there are only in the city center, so that each year are flooded during the monsoon season the roads interspersed with floods of excrement. As excited every day several times a collapsing power grid by now no longer occur. Most depressing, however, the consequences of overpopulation hopeless. On a square kilometer, more than 30,000 people jostling. Two-thirds of the population live in Calcutta's official, government-recognized slums, known as bustees. For the equivalent of about 5 dollars a month to live in primitive huts made ​​of mud, corrugated iron and old wooden crates. This can be in the slums often tightly knit network of social bonds and at least a few of these people but sanitation are among the privileged. Below are the squatters who live in deplorable conditions as wild settlers in fabric and plastic sheeting manufactured homes, which they set up for the night on house walls. At the dirtiest in the truest sense of the word but it's the nearly one million people who own other than a tin can at best a dreckverkrustete mat. On the sidewalks, in doorways, under ox-cart, next to piles of rubble and open channels between rats and mangy dogs they eke out their existence. Noise, odor, mass poverty and the known hot-headed temperament of Calcutta Bengalis have made ​​it a seething cauldron. Nowhere is the mood as aggressive as charged here. And yet! Calcutta, this nightmare city, they seem to quiver with life. Optimism, vitality, humor, creativity characterize the philosophy of life of the Bengalis, and you think this love of life, in the face of disaster, to feel almost physically. Nowhere in India is partying more and laughed so intense and controversial debate. What Bengal thinks today is doing, tomorrow the whole of India, is an Indian proverb. The home of the first Indian Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, the city of the philosopher Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo, a stronghold of the Indian intellectuals and revolutionaries is known as cultural and art capital of the subcontinent. Nowhere more artistically ambitious movies are made, hundreds of literary magazines, which are also read hundreds of theaters, mostly with amateur actors, an annual book exhibition with two million visitors, the vast majority of Calcutta, and very many of them, which is not a book can afford. In short, a spiritual life than in any other Indian city. No matter how often Calcutta in recent decades even the downfall has been predicted, the Bengalis are proud of their capital. city of misery and joy at small coal fires women cook in tin cans with rice, children rummage in garbage cans for vegetable scraps, mangy dogs and big black Birds waiting for something falls for them. On the streets of sifting battered cars, scooters and rickshaws rattling through the stuffy Smogluft. Calcutta, capital of the Indian Union State of West Bengal is a sea of misery. And the stream of immigrating from the surrounding poor does not stop. No one knows exactly how much population the largest and youngest city in India. At least there are probably eleven million, added every day about 2000 people who are looking for a spot on the crowded sidewalks. Amidst the poverty, the Mother Teresa on Saturday buried 1949, the house of their order \ opened "Missionaries of Charity". The nun was hungry a hot meal, a bed and dying - what it was most important - it gave them compassion and concern for their fate. The house of the Order is in a gray stone building next to the temple as the notorious bloodthirsty goddess Kali. Previously people were sacrificed to her, and today Hindus burn in front of the temple on the banks of the Hooghly, a tributary of the holy river Ganges, their dead. After calibration, the former fishing village Kalikata named, said the first time a Bengali poet 1495th From the village grew, the port metropolis of Calcutta, founded in 1690 by the British as a branch of the East India Trading Company. From 1773 to 1912, Calcutta, capital of British India. During the colonial period began, the economic rise of the city. English stately buildings with Indian elements, such as the Victoria Memorial, developed. Most of the former mansions, however, are now in ruins. In the hope of finding work, since 1914 more and more rural residents moved from the suburbs into the city. A great flood of refugees broke in on Calcutta in 1947, when Muslim Pakistan (East Pakistan is now Bangladesh) is separated from severe bouts of India. Calcutta is not only a "dying city", as she called Rajiv Gandhi, prime minister of the last Nehru-Gandhi dynasty once. Calcutta is also the center of Indian intellectuals and the artistic avant-garde. In the "City of Joy" was the French writer Dominique Lapierre, who wrote in his best-selling novel in the slums, he would have so much love, compassion and happiness as found nowhere else in the world
Hitler's early years (1889-1918) Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April1889, the son of a customs official in Braunau am Inn, born in Austria. He grew up in Braunau, and Passau, Linz and surrounding areas. Two years after the death of his father in 1905 he broke off a visit to the school without a diploma. From 1905 to 1907 he lived without education and without the exercise of a profession with financial support from his mother in Linz. In September 1907, Hitler went to Vienna to attend the general school of painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. He failed, however, twice in the entrance examination. In Vienna, he led the life of a bohemian and described himself as a writer and painter. In contrast to his views in 'Mein Kampf', he did not have to hire themselves out as laborers. He lived after the death of his mother in December 1907 of a pension as well as from donations from his family. From 1908 to 1913 he lived in homeless men and dormitories. During his time in Vienna, Hitler came up with extreme anti-Semitic and nationalist ideologies in contact. With the internalization of such ideas grew his aversion to Marxism and liberalism. In 1913 he moved to Munich in order to escape the Austrian military service, but had to return to the pattern when he was tracked down by the Austrian authorities in Munich. Declared unfit, he signed up a year later volunteered for the front. Since the beginning of the 1st World War II, he served as a volunteer in the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16 as a messenger. His military rank never exceeded that of a corporal, but he was awarded the Iron Cross of both classes. The war experience influenced Hitler decisively. The military hierarchy should be its guiding principle, find the experience of communion in his conception of the national community. From the conclusion of the armistice, Hitler learned, temporarily blinded by poison gas, in November1918 in a hospital in Pomerania. Following a widespread opinion that he understood the surrender as a stab in the back by Jews and Marxists. The political rise of Hitler remained after the end of World War II, Hitler first in the army, which appointed him for the training of nationalist soldiers and as political informants. In this function he attended in September 1919 Meeting of the German Workers' Party (DAP). A little later he was picked up and quickly developed into its assembly speaker and head of propaganda. In February 1920, the DAP named the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) in order. Hitler had now as drummer of the party and formed them in a short time to his parte to the Hitler movement. At rallies and mass meetings, he agitated against demagogic sent the Treaty of Versailles and against the Weimar Republic. He gave his party's very popular. On the 29th he was elected chairman Juli1921 the Nazi Party, and he was given dictatorial powers. On 1/2 September 1923 Hitler founded in Nuremberg, together with the retired general, Erich Ludendorff, several right-wing groups fighting the German Confederation. With this alliance, Hitler made ​​on 8 November 1923 attempt to gain power in Bavaria and overthrow by a march on Berlin, the Reich government. The hoped-for support from like-minded Bavarian government Ritter von Kahr was made, however, and the coup was put down in front of the Munich Feldherrnhalle. NSDAP and SA Völkischer observers were banned. The treason trial for this incident (from 26 February until 1 April 1924), Hitler used propaganda for himself and his party. The judgment of 1 Of April, only five years imprisonment fixed. Hitler was already on 20 Released in December 1924 ahead of the Fortress of Landsberg am Lech. During his imprisonment, wrote the first volume of Hitler's "Mein Kampf". In this and the end of 1926, conceived the second volume of Hitler formulated his central goals and beliefs: anti-Bolshevism, radical anti-Semitic and the creation of habitat in the East. "Mein Kampf" had already reached very high volumes before 1933. The objectives were published in it, however, strongly underestimated. On 26 February 1925 and re-established in the Nazi Party, Hitler took over the lead. He built successively from its leading position in the party. In the Reichstag elections of the 14th September 1930, the Nazi Party won 18.2 percent of the vote. Just a day after the election, Hitler declared that he would fall one day the power of self, and that by legal means. On 11 October 1931 joined the NSDAP, DNVP and other right-wing groups to Harrisburg Front together. The alliance was indeed politically because of many differences between the party leaders hardly effective, but Hitler was of interest to the industry. In March 1932, Hitler ran for the kingdom of presidential elections, but lost in the first round with 30.23 percent of votes in the second round with 36, 68 percent of the incumbent Paul Von Hindenburg. In the elections to the Reich stag on 31 July 1932, the Nazi Party, not least because of the economic crisis, with 37.4 percent for the largest fraction. A government involvement, but Hitler refused, because he himself wanted to take over the government. In the elections of 6 November 1932, the Nazi Party but lost about four percent, but remained the strongest force. On 30 January 1933 Hitler was supported by former Chancellor Franz Von Paten, the president appointed Reich Chancellor. Hitler and the Nazi regime, the new government were at first only three National Socialists. These were in addition to Hitler, Hermann Goering and Wilhelm Frick. He succeeded in a short time to establish a dictatorship. The first occasion offered to the Reich stag fire of 27 February 1933. Located on the occasion of Hitler's 28th president February adopted legislation to protect people and the rich set permanently in the Wiemar Constitution guaranteed the fundamental rights suspended. Even in the night of 28 February began a major wave of arrests, the Communists fell, intellectual leftists, socialists and anarchists to the victim. The Law to Remedy the Distress of People and the Reich on 24 March 1933, the so-called Enabling Act, created by the abolition of the separation of powers, the basis for the establishment of an authoritarian, focused on Hitler's system of rule. At the same time advised the SA to the first concentration camps to detain political enemies. After the elimination of political opposition, Hitler turned under the so-called Röhm putsch on 30 June 1934 the intra-party opposition as if he read murder with the help of SS and Reichswehr in a bloody campaign Ernst Roehm and other leading SA men. By the Act of 3 July was the action subsequently declared a state of self-defense to be lawful. The SA lost to their independent status and the SS, Hitler was directly subordinate. After the death of Hindenburg, Hitler was born on 2 August 1934, and became President of the Reich Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor. The army was now on him and not sworn to the Constitution. After completion of the uniformity of the countries, organizations and political parties focused on Hitler's foreign and racial policies. The Nuremberg Laws of 15 September 1935 called on to discrimination and persecution of the Jews in the Reich Pogrom Night of 9 November 1938 escalated for the first time. In foreign policy, Hitler initially aimed at a revision of the Versailles Treaty, and thus to restore Germany's power position in Europe. His first success in this area was for a referendum in January 1935, the Return of the Saarland to the German Reich. It was followed by the reintroduction of compulsory military service in May 1935 and a massive rearmament of the Wehrmacht. The military occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland on 7 March 1936 remained unpunished by the victorious powers of World War II. In October 1936, the first four-year plan came into force with the aim of ensuring the viability of the German army and war economy within four years. 1936 Hitler, Franco military assistance rendered in the Spanish Civil War. The end of 1936 was the establishment of the Berlin-Rome Axis between the Fascist Italy under Benito Mussolini and Nazi Germany. Before high Wehrmacht officers, Hitler put on 5 November 1937, his risk policy and concretized his foreign policy plans, which were all aimed at the creation of habitats in Europe. First goal should be the union of Austria and the overthrow of Czechoslovakia. With this plan, however, Hitler provoked the opposition of the War Minister Werner von Blomberg and the Army Commander in Chief, Werner von Fritsch. Under certain circumstances, both constructed in early 1938 in the wake of the Blomberg-Fritsch crisis were dismissed. In order to remain in power, the Wehrmacht, Hitler took over on 4 February 1938 even as the head of the newly created Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht (OKW), the supreme command. His aggressive foreign policy was favored by the appeasement policies of the European powers, especially Great Britain. Sun succeeded in unimpeded on 12 March 1938, the annexation of Austria, and on 29 September 1938 with the Munich Agreement, the transfer of the Sudetenland to Germany. When Hitler on 15 March 1939, occupied in violation of the Munich Agreement, Bohemia and Moravia and to explain the Protectorate left, he had gone over so visible to anyone on an imperialist expansionism. For their protection, he completed on 22  Mai1939 with Mussolini, a military alliance, the Pact of Steel, and 23 August 1939, surprisingly a non-aggression pact with Stalin. It contained shared secret supplementary agreement of Eastern and Central Europe into a German and a Soviet sphere of interest. The attack on Poland on 1 September 1939 finally broke out of the 2nd World War when Hitler declared its goal to create living space in the East and the solution of the Jewish question in Europe.    Even at 31 January 1939, Hitler announced in a speech to the Reichstag, the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe as part of a world war, as well as in the heavily influenced by him, anti-Semitic propaganda film "The Eternal Jew". The Second World War with the so-called successful blitzkrieg against Poland (1st September 1939), Denmark and Norway (9 April 1940) and the Netherlands, Belgium and France (May 10, 1940), the German army, Hitler moved to his side. In preparation for the attack on the Soviet Union, he issued on 13 March 1941 an OKW directive for the establishment of task forces and on 6 June 1941 so-called command-Commissioner for the treatment of the political commissars of the Red Army. In both commands to show the aims of Hitler: The management of a racial and ideological war of extermination. Was no opposition from the military on 22 June 1941, the attack on the Soviet Union. SS-Einsatzgruppen began immediately thereafter in the occupied territories with the systematic extermination of Jews, Gypsies and other racial and political undesirables. When the German advance slowed in the late autumn, Hitler took over on 19 December 1941 even the command of the army, and even more certain now, the individual military operations. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, told the German Empire, allied with Japan since 1940 in the Tripartite Pact on 11 December 1941 U.S. war. Hitler tried this step, a defeat of Japan and the concentration of the U.S. war on Germany to prevent the Soviet Union but to beat yet. A delusion From late 1942, early 1943, a German defeat began to emerge more clearly. The defeat at Stalingrad marked the turning point in Februar1943 the Eastern war. However, he left the war and the industrial murder of the Jews to continue. 20th Juli1944 failed to assassinate the military resistance groups were organized, and the domestic terror intensified again. As the end of his millennial kingdom was in sight, he ordered on 19 March 1945 with the Nero command the destruction of vital production, since in his view had failed the German people and had thus forfeited its right to exist. On 29 April 1945, Hitler appointed Admiral Karl Donizetti to succeed, and wrote his political testament. He pointed to the need for the extermination of European Jews. On 30 April, he took with his wife Eva Braun in his bunker of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin life.

Friday 3 August 2012

Economic Policy

In the Federal Republic, we are faced with the need for comprehensive reform. The implementation of necessary reforms and a further rise of prosperity are only possible with a growing economy and healthy finances. But this government has a difficult legacy of economic policy adopted that forced to act quickly: Since yesterday, the parity of the D-Mark is improved by 8.5 percent. The external security tax on ways was finally lifted.
We will meet the requirements of the law to promote the stability and growth. This law, one of the major reform achievements of the 5th German Bundestag obliged to act if the economic situation is at risk. This duty had been neglected since the spring of 1969.
The decision of the Federal Government of 24 October ended a period of uncertainty and eliminate the fundamental imbalance in our balance of payments. External side, we thus have a decisive contribution to liberalize world trade and stabilize the international monetary system.
domestic economy will dampen the appreciation of the price development in 1970. However, more would have been achieved if the previous federal government had acted in time. The highlight of the price for this failure may develop even before we have.
Without appreciation would be a further deterioration in economic conditions, with the risk of a subsequent recession was hardly avoidable. Our goal is to stabilize without stagnation. This goal is our economic and fiscal emergency program. It includes: A fiscal policy that promotes a gradual reorientation of the goods offered on the internal market through. Further consultation with the Bundesbank on one of the new situation after the DM revaluation appropriate line of the monetary and credit policy. the continuation and intensification of the established cooperation with the unions and business associations in the framework of concerted action that will bring together in the future, representatives of agriculture. The intensification of cooperation between federal, state and local authorities in the Business Cycle of the public sector. Active participation of the federal government for stronger coordination of economic and financial policy in the Member States of the European Community and the necessary development of the international monetary system. The appreciation of the Deutschmark get a compensation of income required for agriculture. Our commitment to the German farmers, we need to bring the Rome Treaty on the common market in line. The Council of the European Communities has recognized that the income loss of German agriculture must be fully compensated. After hours of discussion, it was decided in today's morning hours as follows: At the request of the German delegation, a transitional arrangement was made ​​for the duration of 6 weeks. During this period, the prices for the previous parity is maintained and secured by a border adjustment system. After this period, the agriculture income compensation. This compensation may partly offset by a change in the VAT law will be brought about. How this happens in detail, it is this House must advise shortly. The rest is covered by direct compensation, in which participate the Community. The Council of the European Communities will meet soon again to determine the details of the long-term settlement . Unfortunately, the Council has put forward several times and with great emphasis the request of the Federal Government, the current price level by a border adjustment system has to maintain in the long run, is not complied with. Our partners in the EEC and the Commission took the view that in the light of the common agricultural policy and the Common Market would be called into question. This compromise clearly shows that a conflict between the far-ahead-driven integration of the agricultural market and the lack of coordination of economic - and monetary policy is. A further development of agricultural policy within the EEC must therefore be in the future more in line with progress in economic and monetary policy. It remains the goal of the federal government, the national ownership of the agricultural structural policy to obtain. During the needed structural improvement of agriculture must be avoided that a policy of price pressure is being operated. The early realization of the common agricultural market has exacerbated the internal problems of adaptation of the German agriculture is essential. We therefore consider it to be inevitable, the agricultural sector to help in overcoming their difficulties. You should become a part of our modern economy sibling who takes part in the general income and wealth creation in its entirety. This emergency program is a clear offer of the Federal Government to all who wear our economy. A steady economic development is the best foundation for social progress. It creates the climate in which to develop private initiative, risk taking and performance. It secures the jobs, rising incomes and protects the growing savings from exhaustion due to price increases. In the long term stability and growth can be achieved only in a functioning market economy. Effective competition, both internally and externally is and remains the surest guarantee for the performance of a national economy. All protectionist tendencies in the issue at home and abroad, we clearly reject. Act against Restraints of Competition will be modernized. Corporate concentration, while necessary in many areas. But it should not lead to the elimination of effective competition. Therefore, a preventive merger control is required. This should cover all sectors of the economy. The establishment of an independent commission monopoly may to be an important tool. The control of abuse of dominant market positions and strong market must be expanded. In contrast to the performance enhancing cooperation between medium and small enterprises in trade and commerce will be facilitated. You must not fail on the Prohibition of Bagatelle. The small-and medium-sized businesses have a right to equal starting chances in the competition and to provide effective protection against discriminatory practices. The merger will also apply to the press. The government intends to submit a press law, under the law. On television, new technical possibilities are used to best benefit the company, especially for educational tasks, but in each case the interests of the public are to secure a priority. An improved anti-trust law has become an instrument of effective and progressive middle-class policy. On this basis, further measures to improve financing opportunities for the expansion of consulting services and to the operating independent pension build up to the self. to focus on the economic and social policies of this government is striving for a specific asset policy. The wealth creation in large sections - especially employee-owned - is woefully inadequate and they must be reinforced strongly. The Federal Government will present a draft for the expansion of the Capital Formation Act. It should be increased to DM 624, the next step of the favored setting for saving schemes of 312. The federal government expects to acceptance by unions and employers' organizations that offer. In addition to the wealth creation will be designed so that at the same time the accumulation of capital in the economy and the system can be relieved in equity values. A non-consensual forced savings does not correspond to our free society. According to the intention of the government to save the in-operation in promoting the overall savings involved and the possibilities for building savings to be expanded. More suggestions for property policy, particularly in connection with promotion of the necessary reform of the savings will be examined. The improvement in the protection of depositors and the reform of the exchange system are important accompanying measures. Lasting security can not exist in a developed society only through change. It will be seen more clearly in the seventies. the permanent economic and social change is a challenge to us all. It can not be mastered without the initiative of the individual. The initiative, however, need the support of the policy. We can be no society of vestigial talents. Everyone must be able to develop his skills. The affected people should not simply be left to their fate. Conscious of the responsibility for the economic future of our country in the seventies, we will take care of particularly intensive education and training and research and innovation. This applies in particular to reduce the still existing educational gap between urban and rural areas. I am sure that we mobilize in this way considerable reserve capacity of our society and improve the chances of each can.